Source code for pipewelder.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The core Pipewelder API.

from __future__ import print_function

import re
import os
import logging
import hashlib
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from pipewelder import translator
from boto import connect_s3
from boto.s3.key import Key as S3Key

from pipewelder import util

import six
if six.PY2:
    from urlparse import urlparse
    from urllib.parse import urlparse

PIPELINE_FREQUENCY_RE = re.compile(r'(?P<number>\d+) (?P<unit>\w+s)')
PIPELINE_PARAM_RE = re.compile(r'\#\{(my[a-zA-Z0-9]+)\}')
    'name': "Pipewelder validation stub",
    'unique_id': 'stub',
    "description": """
This pipeline should always be in 'PENDING' status.
It is used by Pipewelder to validate pipeline definitions.

[docs]class Pipewelder(object): """ A collection of Pipelines sharing a definition template. """ def __init__(self, conn, template_path, s3_conn=None): """ *conn* is a :class:`boto.datapipeline.layer1.DataPipelineConnection` instance used to manipulate added pipelines, *s3_conn* is a :class:`boto.s3.connection.S3Connection` used to upload pipeline tasks to S3, and *template_path* is the path to a local file containing the template pipeline definition. """ self.conn = conn self.s3_conn = s3_conn if self.s3_conn is None: self.s3_conn = connect_s3() template_path = os.path.normpath(template_path) self.template = definition_from_file(template_path) self.pipelines = {}
[docs] def add_pipeline(self, dirpath): """ Load a new :class:`Pipeline` object based on the files contained in *dirpath*. """ pipeline = Pipeline(self.conn, self.s3_conn, self.template, dirpath) self.pipelines[] = pipeline return pipeline
[docs] def are_pipelines_valid(self): """ Returns ``True`` if all pipeline definition validate with AWS. """ return all([p.is_valid() for p in self.pipelines.values()])
[docs] def validate(self): """ Synonym for :meth:`are_pipelines_valid`. """ return self.are_pipelines_valid()
[docs] def upload(self): """ Upload files to S3 corresponding to each pipeline and its tasks. Returns ``True`` is successful. """ return all([p.upload() for p in self.pipelines.values()])
[docs] def delete(self): """ Delete all pipeline definitions. Returns ``True`` if successful. """ return all([p.delete() for p in self.pipelines.values()])
[docs] def put_definition(self): """ Puts definitions for all pipelines. Returns ``True`` if successful. """ return all([p.put_definition() for p in self.pipelines.values()])
[docs] def activate(self): """ Activate all pipeline definitions, deleting existing pipeline if needed. Returns ``True`` if successful. """ if not self.are_pipelines_valid(): logging.error("Not activating pipelines due to validation errors.") return False return all([p.activate() for p in self.pipelines.values()])
[docs]class Pipeline(object): """ A class defining a single pipeline definition and associated tasks. """ def __init__(self, conn, s3_conn, template, dirpath): """ Create a Pipeline based on definition dict *template*. *dirpath* is a directory containing a 'values.json' file, a 'run' executable, and a 'tasks' directory. *conn* is a DataPipelineConnection and *s3_conn* is an S3Connection. """ self.conn = conn self.s3_conn = s3_conn self.dirpath = os.path.normpath(dirpath) self.definition = template.copy() values_path = os.path.join(dirpath, 'values.json') decoded = util.load_json(values_path) self.values = decoded.get('values', {}) if 'myName' not in self.values: self.values['myName'] = os.path.basename(dirpath) # adjust the start timestamp to the future timestamp = self.values['myStartDateTime'] period = self.values['mySchedulePeriod'] adjusted_timestamp = adjusted_to_future(timestamp, period) self.values['myStartDateTime'] = adjusted_timestamp @property def name(self): return self._get_value('myName') @property def description(self): try: return self._get_value('myDescription') except ValueError: return None @property def tags(self): if 'myTags' not in self.values: return {} return dict(tag_expression.split(':') for tag_expression in self.values['myTags']) @property def unique_id(self): return hashlib.md5( + str(self.tags)).hexdigest()
[docs] def api_objects(self): """ Return a dict containing the pipeline objects in AWS API format. """ d = deepcopy(self.definition) return translator.definition_to_api_objects(d)
[docs] def api_parameters(self): """ Return a dict containing the pipeline parameters in AWS API format. """ d = deepcopy(self.definition) return translator.definition_to_api_parameters(d)
[docs] def api_values(self): """ Return a dict containing the pipeline param values in AWS API format. """ d = {'values': self.values} return translator.definition_to_parameter_values(d)
[docs] def api_tags(self): """ Return a list containing the pipeline tags in AWS API format. """ tag_list = [{'key': k, 'value': v} for k, v in self.tags.items()] return tag_list
[docs] def create(self): """ Create a pipeline in AWS if it does not already exist. Returns the pipeline id. """ response = self.conn.create_pipeline(, self.unique_id, self.description, self.api_tags()) return response['pipelineId']
[docs] def is_valid(self): """ Returns ``True`` if the pipeline definition validates to AWS. """ response = self.conn.create_pipeline(**PIPEWELDER_STUB_PARAMS) pipeline_id = response["pipelineId"] response = self.conn.validate_pipeline_definition( self.api_objects(), pipeline_id, self.api_parameters(), self.api_values()) self._log_validation_messages(response) if response['errored']: return False else:"Pipeline '{0}' is valid".format( return True
[docs] def upload(self): """ Uploads the contents of `dirpath` to S3. The destination path in S3 is determined by 'myS3InputDirectory' in the 'values.json' file for this pipeline. Existing contents of the 'tasks' subdirectory are deleted. Returns ``True`` if successful. """ s3_dir = self._get_value('myS3InputDir') bucket_path, input_dir = bucket_and_path(s3_dir) bucket = self.s3_conn.get_bucket(bucket_path) remote_task_path = os.path.join(input_dir, 'tasks') existing_task_keys = bucket.list(prefix=remote_task_path) existing_tasks = [ for key in existing_task_keys] bucket.delete_keys(existing_tasks)"Deleted from bucket '{0}': {1}" .format(bucket_path, existing_tasks)) with for root, dirs, files in os.walk('.'): for f in files: filepath = os.path.join(root, f) k = S3Key(bucket) k.key = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(input_dir, filepath)) k.set_contents_from_filename(filepath)'Copied {0} to {1}' .format(os.path.abspath(filepath), os.path.normpath( os.path.join(s3_dir, filepath)))) return True
[docs] def delete(self): """ Delete this pipeline definition from AWS. Returns ``True`` if successful. """ pipeline_id = self.create()"Deleting pipeline with id {0}".format(pipeline_id)) self.conn.delete_pipeline(pipeline_id) return True
[docs] def put_definition(self): """ Put this pipeline definition to AWS. Returns ``True`` if successful. """ pipeline_id = self.create()"Putting pipeline definition for {0}".format(pipeline_id)) self.conn.put_pipeline_definition(self.api_objects(), pipeline_id, self.api_parameters(), self.api_values()) return True
[docs] def activate(self): """ Activate this pipeline definition in AWS. Deletes the existing pipeline if it has previously been activated. Returns ``True`` if successful. """ pipeline_id = self.create() existing_definition = definition_from_id(self.conn, pipeline_id) state = state_from_id(self.conn, pipeline_id) if existing_definition == self.definition: return True elif state == 'PENDING': self.put_definition() else: self.delete() return self.activate()"Activating pipeline with id {0}".format(pipeline_id)) self.conn.activate_pipeline(pipeline_id) return True
def _log_validation_messages(self, response): for container in response['validationWarnings']: logging.warning("Warnings in validation response for %s", container['id']) for message in container['warnings']: logging.warning(message) for container in response['validationErrors']: logging.error("Errors in validation response for %s", container['id']) for message in container['errors']: logging.error(message) def _get_value(self, key): if key in self.values: return self._parsed_via_parameters(self.values[key]) params = self.definition['parameters'] default = fetch_default(params, key) if default is None: raise ValueError("No value or default found for '{0}'" .format(key)) return self._parsed_via_parameters(default) def _parsed_via_parameters(self, expression): placeholders = re.findall(PIPELINE_PARAM_RE, expression) if not placeholders: return expression key = placeholders[0] value = self._get_value(key) placeholder = '#{' + key + '}' expression = expression.replace(placeholder, value) return self._parsed_via_parameters(expression) def _parsed_object(self, name): return parsed_object(self.conn, self.create(), name) def _parsed_location(self, name): obj = self._parsed_object(name) fetch_field_value(obj, 'directoryPath')
[docs]def bucket_and_path(s3_uri): """ Return a bucket name and key path from *s3_uri*. >>> bucket_and_path('s3://pipewelder-bucket/pipewelder-test/inputs') ('pipewelder-bucket', 'pipewelder-test/inputs') """ uri = urlparse(s3_uri) return (uri.netloc, uri.path[1:])
[docs]def parse_period(period): """ Return a timedelta object parsed from string *period*. >>> parse_period("15 minutes") datetime.timedelta(0, 900) >>> parse_period("3 hours") datetime.timedelta(0, 10800) >>> parse_period("1 days") datetime.timedelta(1) """ parts = PIPELINE_FREQUENCY_RE.match(period) if not parts: raise ValueError("'{0}' cannot be parsed as a period".format(period)) parts = parts.groupdict() kwargs = {parts['unit']: int(parts['number'])} return timedelta(**kwargs)
[docs]def adjusted_to_future(timestamp, period): """ Return *timestamp* string, adjusted to the future if necessary. If *timestamp* is in the future, it will be returned unchanged. If it's in the past, *period* will be repeatedly added until the result is in the future. All times are assumed to be in UTC. >>> adjusted_to_future('2199-01-01T00:00:00', '1 days') '2199-01-01T00:00:00' """ dt = datetime.strptime(timestamp, PIPELINE_DATETIME_FORMAT) delta = parse_period(period) now = datetime.utcnow() while dt < now: dt += delta return dt.strftime(PIPELINE_DATETIME_FORMAT)
[docs]def fetch_field_value(aws_response, field_name): """ Return a value nested within the 'fields' entry of dict *aws_response*. The returned value is the second item from a dict with 'key' *field_name*. >>> r = {'fields': [{'key': 'someKey', 'stringValue': 'someValue'}]} >>> fetch_field_value(r, 'someKey') 'someValue' """ for container in aws_response['fields']: if container['key'] == field_name: for (k, v) in container.items(): if k != 'key': return v raise ValueError("Did not find a field called {0} in response {1}" .format(field_name, aws_response))
[docs]def fetch_default(params, key): """ Return the default associated with *key* from parameter list *params*. If no default, returns None. >>> p = [{'type': 'String', 'id': 'myParam', 'default': 'foo'}] >>> fetch_default(p, 'myParam') 'foo' >>> p = [{'type': 'String', 'id': 'myParam'}] >>> fetch_default(p, 'myParam') """ for container in params: if container['id'] == key: if 'default' in container: return container['default'] return None
[docs]def state_from_id(conn, pipeline_id): """ Return the *@pipelineState* string for object matching *pipeline_id*. *conn* is a DataPipelineConnection object. """ response = conn.describe_pipelines([pipeline_id]) description = response['pipelineDescriptionList'][0] return fetch_field_value(description, '@pipelineState')
[docs]def definition_from_file(filename): """ Return a dict containing the contents of pipeline definition *filename*. """ return util.load_json(filename)
[docs]def definition_from_id(conn, pipeline_id): """ Return a dict containing the definition of *pipeline_id*. *conn* is a DataPipelineConnection object. """ response = conn.get_pipeline_definition(pipeline_id) return translator.api_to_definition(response)
[docs]def parsed_objects(conn, pipeline_id, object_ids): """ Return a list of object dicts as evaluated by Data Pipeline. """ response = conn.describe_objects(object_ids, pipeline_id, evaluate_expressions=True) return response['pipelineObjects']
[docs]def parsed_object(conn, pipeline_id, object_id): """ Return an object dict as evaluated by Data Pipeline. """ return parsed_objects(conn, pipeline_id, [object_id])[0]